Friday, June 20, 2014


I was walking alone towards the cafe when I noticed something was following me. MY SHADOW. My shadow is dark and glorified. It is like a well trained pet. I can control it. It always follows my commands .It becomes what I want it to be. I can make it taller or shorter, fatter or slimmer , bigger or smaller or anything using my imagination. Shadow is actually my triumph. It is my success. It is my reward.
                But a shadow needs  power for its existence and that power is LIGHT. If there is  no light there will be no shadow. LIGHT is the power house for the creation of a shadow. Light gives life to a shadow. Light can turn a tiny shadow into a giant one. Focus ,strength and  intensity of light matters for the formation , definition and  even the very existence of a shadow.  Here, Light is  knowledge. Light is your conscious. It is motivation. It is a driving force which keeps you determine.
                When walking along the pavement ,observing my shadow , I realized that there will be no shadow without me no matter how much light is present. Light is dependent on an opaque object  for the creation of a shadow. My shadow is because of me . What if there was light but not me ? Light alone can't create shadows, there must be "someone" for the light to collide with, there must be someone to absorb that light. That "someone" is WILL POWER. " someone" is self awareness ,that someone is YOU.

                I am always inspired by nature, it teaches us. This time my shadow taught me how to get what I desire . At the end of the walk I came to the conclusion that to achieve success (shadow) you need two things  will power(you)  and motivation (light). Without these ingredients you can't taste victory.  As famously quoted "where there is a Will , there is a way" . Motivation is like taking a bath , you have to take it daily otherwise you will be rusty. so , expose yourself to the light and let yourself cast a shadow to mark your existence.