Thursday, April 16, 2015


"And in the endless nights and sleepless hours, she let the tears roll down her cheeks hoping that may be the words they said, they things they did and the pain she felt, may be all of it will leave her heart and through the eyes will reach the pillow and disappear. Like her tears did.
It was like losing control over heart & mind. Because something was still pulling her back, making her walk down the memory lane. The whole thing kept flashing in front of her eyes. She wanted this to end, to feel as if nothing had happened and when she couldn't do that, she decided to put a full stop to the suffering for once and for all. That’s when she died, died of the heartache, died of the pain."

What is it that she missed there?
What made her lose herself in the pain so much that she forgot her body still existed though the soul was wasting away?
What could actually pull her back to present instead of past?
What is that one thing we all need to hold on to, and hold on to hard in the times of crisis?
   It’s HOPE        
They sayHe who has a WHY to live for can bear with almost any HOW
You all have been there at some point in your lives where you have no freaking idea whether to keep walking or to stop and wait for what you’ve lost along the way.
The loss of someone that you loved or something that you thought was meant to be.
Broken hearts, teary eyes, failed friendships, forsaken relationships and what not !
All those sleepless nights when you see darkness covering the face of earth and you realize that you have lost your reason to live and that it’s the end of the world. But what you don’t realize is that the next day, the sun is still going to rise, people are still going to carry on their way and that you too someday will have to move on. You have got to realize that without knowing sadness, you can’t feel what happiness is, without having felt pain, you can’t know what the joy of relief is. Without having heard the lies, you can’t tell when the other person is being honest. You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain and just like that, without having lost someone, you cannot realize the importance and value of what you already have and what you actually deserve.
So you’ve got to stop thinking what you have lost and what you could have and start thinking about what you already have and what you can achieve. Stop crying over past. Sleep, dream, wake up and start betting on your dreams. You might get tired of chasing people and trying to fix all that’s been broken but remember, that’s not giving up. It’s called moving on.
Even when you are too broken to get up and start a new day, you still have to gather up your courage, cut the string that ties you to the people who are not worth it and MOVE ON. And in the night, instead of soaking pillows with tears, look out of your window, and even if your see a shooting start and even if it’s dying, find that twinkle, try and catch it and make a wish with all your heart. And then, just hope that someday it will all get better and your wish, no matter how silly it is, will come true.
So until then, hang in there, hold fast to your dreams, keep calm and have faith because God knows what He’s doing. Just never lose Hope.
Because that’s what keeps me going and that’s exactly what’s gonna help you walk away too.

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come”
Anne Lamott

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